NPM/Kelas : 26209417 / 4EB05
Gunadarma University
Minggu, 29 April 2012
American Idol and LGBT
We all should know that In American Idol's have a great talent who are Amazing. Just call them like: Adam Lambert, Scotty McCreery, Kris Allen, Allison Iraheta, David Cook. Jennifer Hudson. One of them get a standing applause from judge Simon Cowell it's Adam Lambert. Cowell say that Lambert have a beautiful voice and it's sound like GlamGod hehe xD. His earlier successes when Lambert performance at American Idol's and Lambert singing Black or White of Michael Jackson, so that San Diego mayor Jerry Sanders declared May 8, 2009 "Adam Lambert Day". The media centered on Lambert's sexuality: presuming he was gay, he would be the first Gay American Idol.
Lambert's LGBT Advocacy :*)
Lambert, himself openly gay, has contributed to the advancement of social acceptance towards LGBT people. Lambert say to everyone in the world it's Keep Silence for LGBT. Don't ever hurt their feelings because they have a sensitive feeling but actually they are good people. Although they deviate personalities, they have a high social life.
Previously Lambert have a friend, and now it's the bassist Tommy Joe Ratliff. He joined The Organization of NOH8 Campaign and he is bisexual. He's also often called "Pretty Kitty" or "Devil Child".
Similar to that done by The Organization of NOH8 Campaign, which means Keep Silence for LGBT. NOH8 Campaign task is to gather people who swerve to the united so as to create togetherness, friendship, mutual help, compassion, and family. Lambert hope it's all being developed in other countries also can't be insult to LGBT people. Although they're LGBT they're still human, thought Lambert.
Warning : Adam Lambert make you all addicted, although never to use Drugs... <333
Minggu, 22 April 2012
Stylistic Problems
Answer : A. Because he was afraid it would incriminate him
Answer : B. To its original owner the wallet
Answer : C. To the government twenty million dollars
Answer : D. Is telling her professors
Answer: C. Of their belief that he was an good artist
stopped, ticketed and have to pay a fine.
show up last night because he had an accident
on his way to the practice.
gives a welcome feeling to all who have
the good fortune to visit here.
the parade, while others were singing songs.
Meeting 3
Answer : C. Intellectuals
Answer : B. To honor Zeus
Answer : A. 800 Years
Answer : A. They were pacifists
Answer : C. The Greeks had always encouraged everyone to participate in the games
Answer : B. Ancestors
Answer : C. They had to be Greek males with no criminal record
Answer : C. Curtailed
Answer : A. The time it took to finish the games
Rabu, 04 April 2012
BBM naik Rakyat menolak..!!
Liputan6.com, Sumbawa: Ratusan pengunjuk rasa yang berkumpul di Simpang Empat Talabiu, Bima, Nusa Tenggara, Kamis (22/3), bentrok dengan aparat kepolisian. Bentrokan terjadi setelah aparat memaksa massa membubarkan diri. Aksi ini juga diwarnai perusakan mobil pemerintah sebagai protes terhadap rencana pemerintah menaikan harga bahan bakar (BBM) minyak bersubsidi.
Aksi penolakan serupa juga terjadi di Malang, Jawa Timur. Ratusan mahasiswa dan aparat saling dorong di depan pintu masuk Gedung DPRD Kota Malang. Pendemo menuntut pembatalan kenaikan harga BBM. Dalam aksi ini, mahasiswa juga membawa peralatan dapur sebagai protes terhadap kebijakan pemerintah.
Sementara di Jakarta, ratusan orang yang tergabung dalam Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) berunjuk rasa di depan Bundaran Hotel Indonesia.
Menanggapi maraknya unjuk rasa memprotes rencana kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono mengingatkan para pendemo tidak anarkis dalam menyampaikan aspirasi di muka umum.
Presiden SBY mengatakan ,keputusan menaikan harga BBM masih dalam pembahasan antara pemerintah dan DPR. Langkah pemerintah menaikan harga BBM, menurutnya, semata-mata untuk menyelamatkan perekonomian nasional yang kini terancam dengan membengkaknya beban subsidi BBM. Hal ini menyusul melonjaknya harga minyak mentah dunia yang kini bertahan di harga US$ 120 per barel.
Opini saya :
Government Maybe have other reasons why they intend to raise fuel prices, but for me this is increase of fuel charges for the people. Don’t simply to save the national economy, the government raised fuel prices for granted. The people have obviously rejected this fuel will increase, but in reality the government will have more confidence than foreign policy community want’s Indonesia it self. Government should think more in depth again and see the poverty rate in Indonesia is still high. How the fate of the people if only government still chuckle to raise fuel? How the fate of the people, above all the poor to feed their families if the fuel can still up, because when the fuel up the groceries were would come up and it is really charge of their lives. Our country is full ofabundant natural resources, why not in use for its people? And in the reality is overseas is the most at disadvantage. Government should be more sensitive to people.
Selasa, 03 April 2012
Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.!
1. Nobody know when the process of glass-making was invented.
Answer : A
2. The languages of the world presents a vast array of structural similarities and differences.
Answer : A
Cause the languages is plural and the correct answer is present not presents.
3. The rise of multinationals have resulted in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinationals.
can operate in so many jurisdictions.
Answer : A
Cause the rise is singular and the correct answer is has not have.
4. All of the east-west interstate highways in the united states has even numbers, while north-
south interstate highways are odd-numbered.
Answer : A
Cause all is plural and the correct answer is have not has.
5. When a massive star in the large Magellanic Cloud exploded in 1987, a wave of neutrinos were
detected on Earth.
Cause a massive star is singular and the correct answer is was not were.
6. Every open space in the targeted area that has grass and a few bushes are occupied by the
white-crowned sparrow.
Answer : C
Cause every is singular and the correct answer is is not are.
7. Krakatao is remembered as the volcano that put so much ash into the air that sunsets around
the world was affected for two years afterward.
Answer : D
Cause krakatao is singular and the correct answer is later not afterward.
8. The term “Yankee” was originally a nickname for people from New England, but now anyone
from the United States are referred to as a Yankee.
Cause anyone is singular and the correct answer is is not are.
9. A network of small arteries, mostly sandwiched between the skin and the underlying muscles,
supply blood to the face and scalp.
Answer : C
Cause a network is singular and the correct answer is supplying not supply.
10. Mesquite is a small tree in the Southwest who can withstand the severest drought.
Answer : C
Cause mesquite is singular and the correct answer is that not who.